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For parents and students considering joining Daniel Yoo's studio, it's important to be aware of the following commitments and expectations:

Children under 12:

Students aged 12 and above:

Consistent and efficient practicing:

Performance opportunities:

Attendance and preparedness:

By understanding and embracing these commitments, parents and students can create a conducive learning environment, nurturing a successful and rewarding musical journey with Daniel Yoo's guidance.

Payment Options We offer flexible payment options to accommodate your needs.

Monthly Tuition:

Payment Methods:

Group Lessons and Chamber Classes:

Make-up lessons are allowed on a limited basis:

Make-up lesson scheduling:

Cancellation policy:

Group classes:

There are no make-ups or refunds for missed group classes.

Commitment and Discontinuation:

Expiration of Make-up Lessons:

Any unused make-up lessons will be forfeited after 90 days.

Dedication to Learning:

We value students who demonstrate a genuine desire to play the violin, commit to regular practice, and attend all private and group lessons.

It is crucial for the learning process and teachers' morale to work with students who show perseverance and dedication.

We discourage any other arrangements that may hinder the learning experience for both students and teachers.

Studio Policy 2020/2021 PDF

At the Danforth Violin Studio, all students are expected to adhere to the established terms and conditions. If you have any inquiries about the studio's policies or lesson procedures, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email. We are here to address any concerns you may have.

Cancellation/Payment Policy Chinese