Final Mendy tru.wav


How much should one practice?

The amount of practice required varies depending on individual goals, aspirations, and the desired level of proficiency. However, it is generally recommended that musicians, especially those seeking mastery, dedicate regular and focused practice sessions.

For beginners, establishing a consistent practice routine of around 30 minutes to an hour each day can be a good starting point. As skills develop and repertoire expands, the practice time should gradually increase. Intermediate players may aim for 1-2 hours of daily practice, while advanced musicians and professionals often devote several hours each day to their craft.

Quality of practice is equally important as quantity. It's essential to practice with purpose, focus, and attention to detail. Setting specific goals, breaking down challenging passages, and working on technique, musicality, and interpretation are crucial aspects of effective practice.

Keep in mind that rest and balance are also vital for growth. Over-practicing can lead to fatigue and potential injury. It's important to listen to your body, take regular breaks during practice sessions, and maintain a healthy work-life-music balance.

Ultimately, the key is consistency and finding a practice routine that works best for your individual needs and circumstances. Remember that the journey of music is not just about the destination but the joy and growth experienced along the way.

How to Practice Effectively

Below, I have outlined some of my favorite methods for practicing, which have been used long before I started my violin studies. Different approaches work for different people, so I encourage you to try these options and determine what works best for you. Remember that slow practice is just one of many practice techniques, and it should be alternated with other musical work to improve consistently on multiple levels.

Detailed Slow Motion Practice:

Transition Practice:

Body Position and Posture:

Phrasing and Musicality:

Incorporate these enhanced practice techniques into your routine, tailoring them to your specific needs and goals. Remember to maintain a balanced practice regimen that includes various approaches to continually improve your musical skills.

October Evaluation
November Evaluation
December Evaluation
2020/2021 Progress Report

Student Practice Logs

Fundamental Warm-up
Practice Grid
Bow Arm Warm-up.pdf
Practice Grid 2015.docx
Basic Technique to Master.docx
Sample Winter Schedule

Blank Practice Logs 

Practice Schedule.pdf
Practice Schedule1.0.pdf